Are you new to the Marana area? Welcome!
These complementary, casual ‘crash course’ informative meetups are just for you, to get to know your new town and all that it offers.
Learn a bit of history of Marana, where things are located, upcoming events, senior citizen information, what exciting things are to come and meet other newcomers.
You'll leave with a folder full of helpful local business information, including discount coupons and a welcome bag full of goodies!
Since seating is limited and wanting to make sure I bring enough goodies for everyone, reservations are appreciated. Please private message or text 303-483-1330 with your name and how many seats you would like saved.
If you have been having trouble attending one of these newcomer meetups, be aware that I also do private welcome visits at, for example, a coffee shop, at a date and time that is more convenient for you. Again, just text 303-483-1330 so we can make arrangements for your own private New Resident Welcome Visit! Thank you and I look forward to meeting you all!